BCVA 2017

We had a really encouraging and challenging VCF breakfast at the BCVA congress in October. After sharing what had got us out of bed early for a bacon butty, Professor Christianne Glossop, Chief Veterinary Officer for Wales, spoke on ‘God and TB- Is there a connection?’
The message was firstly that they are HIS cows-
Psalm 50:10-11
‘..for every animal in the forest is mine, and the cattle on a thousand hills. I know every bird in the mountains, and the creatures of the field are mine…’
That really struck me. He has compassion for the animals as he does for us, and he does not want the cows or the farmers to be suffering with TB. Nor ultimately I guess does he want us to be in a position where badgers have to be culled.
Secondly she shared that three things are required to bring TB under control: –
Cooperation – of the farmers, NFU, APHA, private vets, pressure groups etc. to work together.
Honesty – on the part of farmers and everyone else involved.
For us to be on our knees – not in desperation but in prayer. Ultimately all disease is as an indirect result of our rebellion from God, allowing evil into the world. The farmers and their vets and advisers need to repent of their wrongdoing and ask God for healing.
Her vision is to see each farm in Wales being prayed for individually, and for prayer groups throughout the land praying for farms and farmers.
I pray for our clients from time to time, usually if things are going wrong, or perhaps for an opportunity to invite them to Alpha! I don’t pray regularly or systematically for them for protection or for their livestock.
It was a challenge to do this. God has given us a love for our clients and their animals, so what could be more natural than to pray for them on a regular basis? Let’s give it a try.
Chris Swift

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