VCF Publishes a bi-monthly newsletter which is sent out by email and in some cases by post.
It is packed full of amazing testimonies, stories and reports of events that are taking place within the fellowship.
For more information email
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Webinars/ Conference Recordings
From time to time VCF puts on webinars or zoom meetings on specific topics or for specific groups or localities within the VCF. These will be advertised here and to the membership when they are due to happen. We also have recordings from previous VCF weekends and other events.
View all Webinars/Recordings
Members Area
The members area provides some member-specific information and enables you to update your personal information or see details of event bookings and your donations and payments to VCF. To access this area please login.
If you are not a member, we’d love you to join! Go to the ‘Join’ page or contact
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