For many, this will occur informally through getting to know vets at the VCF Weekends , through Regional Groups or through doing EMS but we do also run a more formal Mentoring Scheme.
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Regional Groups
These are a network of groups which have grown up throughout the UK. They vary greatly in format from monthly bible studies, to meeting up once or twice a year for a walk and a meal. Their aim is to provide networking and fellowship for vets, vet nurses, vet students, etc. in a local area – from those who are very new to an area, to those who have been there for many years.
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VCF Weekends
VCF Weekends take place on a biennial basis. One year there will be a Central Weekend at the Quinta Christian Conference Centre, and on the alternate years, there is a Northern Weekend and a Southern Weekend. The Weekends are a place to worship together, to study God’s Word, to meet with other Christians in the veterinary and allied professions. The seminars at the Weekend allow the opportunity to consider various subjects in more depth. They can be used towards your CPD allowance.
VCF Weekends
VCF has a stand at many of the large Veterinary Exhibitions, allow the chance to share Christ’s Name in the veterinary profession. It gives people an opportunity to find out what VCF is all about, and allows many within the fellowship to meet up and get to know one another.
VCF has run a number of VCF CPD days, which are open to all, and which link a veterinary subject with a biblical teaching or testimony.
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VCF produces a bi-monthly newsletter which is a great opportunity to read testimonies of all that God is doing throughout the veterinary profession, to hear about folk working overseas and to share some of the challenges and struggles that others face in their daily life as they try to share Christ’s love in their workplace and beyond.
Read our Newletters
VCF members are able to advertise job vacancies, or jobs required on the VCF Website and in the VCF Newsletter.
Current Vacancies