Opportunities in EMS: Giving and receiving skills for life

The VCF Paul Manning Memorial EMS fund is aimed at assisting all members of VCF to develop their practical skills, support EMS and to gain experience in the workplace. EMS can help to reinforce and underpin academic learning, and also develop the sense of purpose for it. The fund is part of wider support that includes a database of VCF members who are willing to take students on EMS. There are also members who can provide mentoring and pastoral care. For more information email secretary@vcf.org.uk VCF’s sister organisation in the USA, the Christian Veterinary Mission (CVM) organises regular trips to their members around the world. (www.cvmusa.org)

What sort of things does The Paul Manning Memorial EMS Fund sponsor?

  • Travel and expenses grants to facilitate and support students wanting to travel to do specific EMS in the UK and abroad.
  • Grants to facilitate and support seeing practice for recent graduates or members re-entering the veterinary profession.
  • Individuals visiting VCF Missionaries or members abroad for EMS or CVM Courses.
  • Research or education applying faith in the workplace

It does not Sponsor

  • VCF does not sponsor veterinary tuition fees or CPD fees.
  • It is unlikely that VCF will agree to retrospective payments for events that have already occurred so authorisation needs to be obtained before the event.
  • Although it is unlikely that VCF sponsorship will exceed £300 per application, if you have ideas requiring more funding then please feel free to discuss them with a committee member.

How Do I Apply?

Please complete the form below and email a signed copy of the referee form to the treasurer at treasurer@vcf.org.uk If possible, please type your responses in the form template then save it with your name as the document title. This will help when reading and processing your application. Many thanks.

EMS Fund Application Form