We are Sam and Mary Bouix, serving in France with the mission Global Recording Netowrk or GRN, whose aim is to “tell the story of Jesus in every language”.
After 10 years of church-planting in Douai in the north of France, we have handed over responsibility to a team of elders and been uprooted with our two younger children, Esther (10) and Jamie (8) to a new home in Sisteron in the south of France. Sam has taken on the role of European Director for GRN, coordinating the work of the European centres for this international network. It is a complex and challenging role, but one that we are passionate about.
We are enjoying being part of the local church in Sisteron; we are both enjoying opportunities to engage in discipleship with members of the church, and accompanying some of its young leaders.
Alongside this, Mary has taken up veterinary work again, working in veterinary public health (VPH! Every vet student’s dream!). It is surprisingly enjoyable and interesting, and enables us to be deeply involved in the local community of Sisteron, salt and light where the Lord has placed us.
The faithful and loving support of the Veterinary Christian Fellowship has been a great blessing and encouragement over the years. Thank you, and may God bless you in return.
“…faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word about Christ.” Romans 10:17