BCVA 2018

In mid-October, for the fourth year running, VCF hosted an informal breakfast meeting at the BCVA congress at Hinckley Island in Leicestershire. The meeting was open to all delegates and folk gathered around early morning tea, coffee and amazing bacon butties!
Gareth Hateley, past president of BCVA led a discussion on “Stewardship of land and animals, the Christians responsibilities” (Genesis 1:28-30), and folk looked at how this affects all of us. There was time to share some of the joys and struggles that people face in practice and other areas of ministry in the veterinary profession, and the task that God has given to each and every one of us where He has placed us.
Once again it provided an opportunity for delegates to look into Gods Word together, to pray together, to catch up with friends from previous meetings, and to meet new folk. All of this during their ‘normal’ CPD. It was also a great witness to others at the congress.

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