Venue: St Cassians Centre, Hungerford.
Dates: 23rd – 25th February.
Speaker: Eye specialist David Williams.
The Northern and Southern Weekends will be similar to each other in format, consisting of a mixture of talks, discussions, time for prayer, for fun, for relaxing, and getting to know each other better.
Children are very welcome and will have their own programme of activities during the main sessions.
The cost for these weekends will be the same and is made up of a registration fee which includes food, and a separate accommodation fee.
The weekend counts for 7 hours CPD.
If you are logged into the site, it will fill in some initial details automatically.
Registration fee including food:
Vets: £85
Students, Vet Nurses, Spouse: £40
Children 3-16 years old: £10
Children under 3 years old: free
Adults, any room size: £85
Adults, single room: £120
Children 3-16years old: £40
in family shared accommodation
Children under 3 years old: free
We do not want the cost to be a barrier to anyone attending a Weekend in person.
If you would find it helpful there are discount codes available on the website so you can choose to pay only what you can afford. A student discount code is also available which brings the total cost for students down to £85 for the weekend, on the basis of staying in shared accommodation.
We will pay reasonable travel expenses for students and nurses.
If additional support would be appreciated, please contact Ali ( Alternatively, if you are able, please feel free to give an additional donation to help others attend.